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Abundant Provisions Farm
Contact: Mark and Diana Richardson
Address: 5082 Highway 146 Searsboro, IA, 50242
Phone: 641-990-7834
About Us
God has richly blessed us on our 10 acre farm with 64 fruit trees (apple, pear, peach, cherry and apricot), Aronia bushes, blueberries, golden raspberries and the space to grow vegetables. In the growing season we will offer a variety of vegetables, some usual and some fun and different, all grown from seeds purchased from Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company. We have several chestnut, black walnut and hickory nut trees as well. We have 40 hens that lay all shades of brown, along with a few that lay blue, green, and light pink eggs. We hatch our own chicks (we have 3 roosters) and spend time holding them which makes for a friendly flock! The year 2023 we experimented with a cut flower garden and absolutely loved it! We expanded the flower garden to be twice as big! We planted 19 different flower types. Farm life is a joy and we try new ideas each year. We are big into recycling and trying not to waste what we’ve been given, so you will see recycled egg cartons and jars for flowers. We also enjoy sharing a bit of farm life with others, so reach out if you want to stop by or hang out by our fire pit. It’s quite delightful life!
No chemicals are used on our property and we follow organic standards without the verification process. We manage weeds by good ‘ol pulling or layering the area with mulch/grass clippings. We prune our fruit trees every winter and thin the new fruit on the trees in the spring to help reduce fungus (since we don’t spray). In terms of our chickens, they are free ranged during daylight hours and roost in our shed at night. They eat any outdoor goodness they can find but we also provide a non-GMO feed in the shed for them. We do not use any hormones or antibiotics for the chickens.